Link of the Haunted, Two Lads, The Chant, Morella's Forest release?
Link of the Haunted, Two Lads, The Chant, Morella's Forest release?
I can't remember which band name it was going to be released as, but right before the old JE forum went down, there was a post about Ronnie's oldest recorded music being released on PQMQ. Is this still in the works? I really hope so!
Re: Link of the Haunted, Two Lads, The Chant, Morella's Forest release?
Oh yeah, something is definitely in the works. Everything's just moving a little slowly at the moment. But it's definitely coming out!
Re: Link of the Haunted, Two Lads, The Chant, Morella's Forest release?
I can be patient
I'm glad to hear something is in the works!

Re: Link of the Haunted, Two Lads, The Chant, Morella's Forest release?
This is wildly exciting. Does PQMQ have any other JE re-releases in the works? Or other b-sides, etc.?
Re: Link of the Haunted, Two Lads, The Chant, Morella's Forest release?
This sounds very exciting! I look forward to the release of older material!
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