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Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 26, 2018 1:46 am

Can we talk about former PQMQ bands here as well??

I just found out that Soviet's "We Are Eyes, We Are Builders" -- the PQMQ version -- has been issued on vinyl. And of course you can buy the songs in FLAC, MP3, etc. ... ers-mr-074

The reissue has all the original tracks from the PQMQ version of the album, as well as some of the older / demo songs at the end. "Whenever You're Around" got renamed to "Whithering Pine." The "Modern Love (remix)" is really the older version, labeled as a 1996 demo on the back of the record sleeve (I thought it was from 1999). I've always loved those songs from Noir and C.

I think on the last version of the forum, there was mention of Soviet's latest album, "Ghosts." I just got it but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet.

Keith also did the soundtrack for a short film called "Life Begins At Rewirement." It's an interesting short film, and the music is great, mostly ambient.
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Re: Soviet

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:45 am

Sometime last year, I started listening to "Ghosts" and "Life Begins..." a lot. Both are really good. The short film "Life..." hit a little too close to home after my mom passed away. So listening to Keith's soundtrack brought a flood of emotions.

I dig a bunch of the Ghosts remixes, especially Jacob's (of course!).
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Re: Soviet

Postby Hokusman » Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:21 am

I recently ordered the tapes for Ghosts and Rewirement. Waiting for them to come in the mail to give them a good listen

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