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cassettes, rarities

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:24 pm
by nordic fox
I know we've all done our wish lists before...I also know there's almost no one on this forum anymore, but...oh well. I recently was able to finally get a hold of "Songs & Stories" on CD. I've been after it for a couple decades. So it's got me reinvigorated to try to find some more of what I'm missing.

Some things I'm still looking for:
Rainbow Rider - cassette
Melody - promo cassette from Cornerstone 1994
Melody - clear & red cassettes – I thought I had the clear version, but can't find either my memory is bad (which it is) or I lost it (entirely possible since I lost 2 copies of Songs & Stories on cassette during a move, they likely would've been in the same box).
Robot Rock - black vinyl
Land of Misfits - promo cd
Ministry of Archers - splatter vinyl & test press
Workmanship - blue vinyl

One day I'll probably look for a better condition copy of WATMM on vinyl. Mine's a bit worn.

I realize that some of these are well as realizing some are available, but at prices that I don't think are reasonable (ie...MOA splatter has sold 6 times on discogs. 4 were under $30, 1 time for $50 and 1 for $125. The current listing is $225. I hate this "reset the market" world we live in where everyone thinks their sale should double the last already overpriced sale, but whatever).